Menu Plan Monday

Menu Plan Monday

Menu for the week:

Monday: Leftovers Cheesy Chicken Quesadillas from The Hungry Girl Cookbook a side salad.  And if the mood strikes I’ve allotted points for one of Melissa’s Apple Pie Enchiladas.


TuesdayFruit Salsa with Cinnamon Chips, 1% Cottage Cheese and Rolled Deli Turkey.

Photo courtesy of

Wednesday: Lean grilled Hamburger on a WW Whole Wheat roll, Grilled Vidalia Onions and a small Greek Salad.

ThursdayLife Group

Friday: Beach Night for Youth Group.  Subs from Subway!

8 thoughts on “Menu Plan Monday

  1. Thanks for the comment on my blog!

    Not all my meals are “low carb”, but they are low GI carbs (whole grains and berries vs white bread and bananas). When trying to do lower carb, I’d just swap out items for low gi alternatives, rather than skipping the carbs altogether if you can. I love pasta but don’t care for the texture of whole wheat pasta so I’m just skipping pasta altogether for now. That’s hard! I have preplanned special anything goes days, my first is next month for our anniversary. I’ll eat pasta then!

  2. You have some great recipes on here. I can’t wait to try a few out.

    *I added my Spanish Rice recipe to go along with my enchiladas.

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